
Executive Summary





あらゆる種類の森林における不法伐採には、大きく2つのタイプがある。第1のタイプはもっとも破壊的な不法伐採だが、森林を主にギネアアブラヤシのプランテーションに転用するもので、生物多様性を全滅させてしまう。これは土地転用許可の濫用であって不法なのだが、このような転用は合法的なのだと誤って暗黙のうちに受け入れられていることが多い。その結果、このような活動は公然と行われている。第2のタイプの不法伐採は、商業上の目的のために直接木材を盗伐するものであり、秘密操業で行われることが多い。そして、しばしば、執行機構(陸軍、海軍、警察、森林局の役人など)の悪党の後ろ盾を得ている。このタイプには、伐採許可地内での無制御な過剰伐採や、伐採許可期限の切れた場所での再伐採、伐採許可地外での伐採も含まれる。当局の書類の偽造や偽書類を用いてこのような盗伐を行うこともあり、また、政府の政策を不適切に操作して盗伐が行われることもある (FLB,1999; MOF/JICA/EU, 2000).。






森林省は、司法プロセスを進めるよう、不法伐採者に対する訴えを何件か警察に提出しているが、不法伐採者の起訴は、彼らの責任範囲を超えていると認識された。この点で、インドネシア共和国大統領は、関連する閣僚大臣に対し、特に、レウサー(Leuser)やタンジュン・プッティング(Tanjung Putting)国立公園での不法伐採を止めるために必要ないかなる行動でも再開し、着手するよう、命じている。

2001年、森林省は、CITESの付属文書3のリストに、ラミン(Gonystvlus spp.)を入れるよう、提案した。この樹種の保全努力をさらに進めるために、森林省は、ラミン取引の凍結に関する省令127号を出した。輸出枠は、持続可能な管理であると第三者が検証した合法的な伐採操業で得られたラミンに割り当てられることになる。2001年10月に、森林省と通商産業省は共同で、一時的な木材輸出禁止令を発布した。

By Agus Purnomo

"Combating Illegal Logging in Indonesia"
Executive Summary

Description and magnitude of illegal logging problems

Indonesia is in the midst of an illegal logging crisis, with an annual log harvest of around 70 million cubic meter, about three times the government's sustainable yield. Jambi, Riau, South Sumatra, West Kalimantan, and South Kalimantan are among Indonesian more than 30 provinces that have lost half of the forests in the 1990s. Reports indicate that illegal logging in Indonesia has far exceeded the legal production. Estimates of quantity of illegal logs vary considerably from 25 to 57 million cubic meter annually, or about 52 percent to 70 percent of Indonesia total log production.

If all timber taxes had been collected, the government could have received an extra US$ 1.2 billion over the period 1980 to 1985, based on 1980 tax rates. The amount seems to have grown to a level between US$ 2.0 - 3.5 billion per annum over the last ten years, without considering the losses in terms of ecological costs.

Illegal logging involves harvesting of logs in contravention of the laws and regulations specifying: where, how and how much to cut; scaling, log classification, transportation and utilization; payments of charges (of royalties, levies, taxes, fees etc); and measures to ensure sustainable forest management and sustainable forest utilization.

There are two broad types of illegal logging in all categories of forests. The first and most devastating type result in conversion of the forest mainly into oil palm plantations, causing total annihilation of biodiversity. Although illegal, being abuses of land conversion licenses, there is often an implied and misplaced acceptance of legality to such conversions. Consequently, these activities are conducted openly. The second type of illegal logging is direct timber theft for commercial purposes, which is often conducted under secretive operations, frequently with the backing of rogue elements of the enforcement apparatus (army, navy, police and forestry officials). This category also includes uncontrolled over-logging inside logging concessions, re-logging in expired concessions, and logging outside concession areas. Some of these thefts are supported by falsified official documents or fake documents, and others by improper manipulation of government policies (FLB,1999; MOF/JICA/EU, 2000).

Indonesia is suffering a massive timber theft at present, orchestrated by financially powerful regional timber barons connected to international smuggling syndicates. Much of the valuable timber stripped from Indonesia's shrinking forests is smuggled into neighboring countries, especially Malaysia and Singapore, and then onto international markets. Lack of cooperation between enforcement authorities in the region allows the criminal networks to operate without any risk of punishment. As illegal logging boomed in Indonesia during the late 1990s, timber exports from Malaysia rose sharply - log exports from Sabah doubled between 1998 and 1999, as did exports of ramin from peninsular Malaysia.

Direct causes of illegal logging include excess and unmet demand of logs, high level of profit in illegal logging business, the existence of international market for illegal logs and weak law enforcement in Indonesia. Indirect causes of illegal logging include low risk of illegal operation, such as lack of adequate policing and supervision of logging activities, rural poverty and unemployment, land tenure conflicts and lack of local civil society control toward forest industries and logging operations.

The main actors of illegal logging are illegal log buyers, including illegal sawmills and legally established wood processing industries, financial investors from domestic and international markets, and the last but not the least corrupt law enforcement officers. The accomplices are minor players and include: poor and unemployed people looking for some income, disadvantaged and disenfranchised tribal community, jobless and disillusioned youth, local community leaders, transport agents, and distributors of illegal logs.

In the year 2000 the Ministry of Forestry and Estate Crops, then Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, and then changed to Ministry of Forestry again, has formed a special task force in combating illegal logging, headed by The Secretary General. The Government of Indonesia in responding to the interim CGI Meeting at Jakarta 23-24 April 2001 declared that particular issues like forest fires and illegal logging are already part of the integrated action plans as stated in the CGI X. However, judged by various criteria, it was admitted that until recently progress has fallen far short of the objectives.

Although the Ministry of Forestry (MoF) has submitted several cases against illegal loggers to the police for further judicial process, it was recognized that the prosecution of illegal loggers is beyond their responsibility. In this regards, the President Republic of Indonesia has ordered relevant Ministers in his Cabinet to re-open and take any necessary actions to stop illegal logging, particularly in the Leuser and Tanjung Putting National Parks.

In the year 2001, MoF proposed to list Ramin (Gonystvlus spp.) in CITES Appendix 3. To ensure further conservation efforts of the species, MoF issued a Ministerial Decree No. 127 concerning Moratorium on Ramin Trade. Export quota will be reserved for Ramin from legal harvesting operations that have been independently verified as sustainable management. In October 2001, the Minister of Forestry and Minister of Trade and Industry jointly issued a temporary ban on log export.


  1. 木材輸出禁止令やCITES付属文書3のリストにラミンを加える提案などの法の執行を促進するために、政策や制度を変えていくこと。また、特に、国立公園などの保護区内での不法伐採を根絶するための政治的指示を出す必要がある。この高次の政治的な指示は、大統領か議会の議長が出す必要がある。不法伐採が慢性的に蔓延していることを考えると、マスコミを使って、選んだ国立公園での法執行行動を広く知らしめる「ショック療法」が極めて重要である。天然林を他の土地利用に転用することを凍結すること。このような転用は、その環境への悪影響はもちろんだが、往々にして不法伐採を隠すために行われている。一部の生産林は、統制措置として公共部門(国家)の直接管理下に置かれている。そのような生産林は、そのセクターの発展に参加する機会を有する比較的小規模の加工会社、協同組合、個人が利用し、伐採許可を得た者のパフォーマンスをアセスメントするための基礎とするために、用いられている。

  2. 高次の当局(可能ならば共和国大統領か副大統領)直轄の不法伐採に対する特別チームを設置し、不法伐採に対する闘いを行う。不法伐採者を逮捕できる権限を持った機動部隊を設置し、法を執行する機関内での汚職問題に対処する。法の執行にあたる役人の力を高め、打ち切られていた訴訟の再開から、不法伐採を取り締まるための特別移動裁判所の設置まで、司法機関の権限を強めることも必要である。

  3. 明確な方針を発表することで、適切な土地面積に対する地元社会の土地使用権を取り戻す。地元社会に、統制された森林資源へのアクセスを提供する。地域法規制を通じ、また州の空間計画に盛り込むことによって、Adat(慣習法)領地(森林を含む)を認める。利害関係者の全面的な参画のもと、社会的問題(財産権、地元社会の雇用や所得、生産への参加、社会的なエンパワーメントの必要性など)に取り組み、解決をはかる。適切な面積の土地に地元社会の土地使用権を取り戻す。これは、司法委員会や部族の機関の監視の下、森林地の調査と定住の一環として行うことができる。警戒と監視による不法伐採や森林関係の汚職との闘いに、地元社会や市民社会を巻き込む。

  4. 製材免許や貿易・関税、価格・税金などに関する政府の政策を通して、また、制限を設ける、代替供給源を作り出す、警戒と検査のしくみを導入する、すべての木材ベースの事業者に対して透明な木材会計や木材監査を厳格に施行する、などの間接的な介入を通して、木材業界の容量を規制する。森林ベースの事業者は、伐採許可とつながりや関連があるので、木材に対する産業側の需要と、森林伐採許可地域や木材プランテーションでの持続可能な伐採量のバランスを取る手段として、(事業者数や設置済みの処理容量という点で)その拡張を統制することが必要である。他の政策インセンティブとしては、重い罰を科す、財産を押収する、不法伐採木材を使用した製材所を閉鎖するなどによって、不法伐採を儲からない活動にすること。また、認証を受けた木材製品は減税し、認証を受けていない木材製品にはペナルティー課税を科すなどの財政的なインセンティブを用いるなど。

  5. 不法伐採活動に対抗するべく協力し、支援することが許可証保有者にとってのプラスになるよう、HPH許可システムを改変・再組織する。許可システムは、より小規模の許可地域での作業、契約履行保証を伴う透明な入札プロセスの実施から、数量規制システムではなく地域規制の下で設定される年間伐採許可量(AAC)の設定という新しいアプローチまで、新しい指標や必要条件に合うよう、調整する必要がある。新しいHPHシステムは、15万〜20万ヘクタールの面積を上限とし、科学的に用意された包括的な管理計画の下で管理されることになる。高効率で、伐採ダメージや無駄が少ない。5年ごとの見直しで満足のゆくパフォーマンスであることを条件に、少なくとも伐採サイクル2回分に相当する使用期間の許可を出す。木材に対する料金や税金は、現在の合計金額が市場価値にリンクするよう、適切なレベルにまで引き上げる。そして、さらなる調整のために、定期的に見直しと改定を行う。緊急性が高いため、政府は、非常に規模の小さい許可証と皆伐免許証の発行における中央政府と地区政府の政策をやめる必要がある。たとえば、HPHH、コミュニティ協同組合伐採免許(Kopermas)などの数百ヘクタールから1000ヘクタールまでの極小の伐採許可である。

  6. 木材認証企業に対する認定機関として、LEI (Lembaga Ekolabel Indonesia)の力を用い、SFMを促進し、木材認証という手段を通して、不法な活動を抑制する。現在までのところ、LEIは4つの認証機関を認定しており、最近、不法伐採や関連する不法行為を最小限に減らすために、木材監査システムを開発した。インドネシア銀行再構築局(Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency :IBRA)には、管理下にある森林産業の負債を再構成する技術契約の一環として、木材監査システムを採択するよう、提案が出されている。したがって、木材監査システムは、単に不法伐採を抑えるための手段としてだけではなく、森林産業を再構築するための技術的な前提条件となる。

  7. 市民社会団体が、不法伐採活動と闘う取り組みに参加するよう、報酬システムを通じて促す。地元社会の福祉向上という大きな図式の一環として、効率や生産性の工場や製品の品質改善を通じて、選ばれた森林産業における競争優位性を高めていかなくてはならない。

  8. 国際的な消費者に対しては、関連国の省庁や機関(大使館、森林部の役人、NGOなど)との二ヶ国間協力や非公式の協力を通じて、インドネシアでの不法伐採活動に資金を供与している「ごろつき投資家」の活動を監視する必要がある。木材消費国は、社会にも環境にも優しい調達方針を採用し、不法木材の押収や、木材生産国の外で不法木材を扱っている者に対する法的行動がとれるような立法化も求められている。生産国でも消費国でも、木材をベースとする産業は、その木材素材に対する透明なCoC(chain of custody)プロセスを採用するよう、求められなければならない。いいかえれば、源から市場まで、木材の追跡を行うということである。
  1. Undertake necessary policy and institutional changes to facilitate law enforcement such as the decree for log export ban and the proposal to list Ramin under CITES Appendix 3. There is also a need to issue a political instruction on the elimination of illegal logging, particularly within protected areas such as the National Park. This high level political announcement needs to come from the President or Chairperson of the Parliament. Considering the chronic and widespread nature of illegal logging, it is crucial to create a 'shock therapy' through the use of mass media to publicize law enforcement actions in selected National Parks. Imposing a moratorium on conversion of natural forests into other forms of land use, which often serves as a cover for illegal logging, apart from its negative ecological impacts. Some production forests are kept directly under the management of the public sector (State), as a control measure, to serve the relatively small processing companies, co-operatives or individuals with opportunities to participate in the development of the sector, and to provide a basis on which the performance of concessionaires can be assessed.
  2. Establish an anti-illegal-logging task force answerable directly to a high authority (preferably the President or the Vice-President of the Republic) and attack illegal logging on a war footing. Create mobile squads with appropriate power to apprehend illegal loggers and adress the issue of corruption within enforcement agencies. There is also a need to enhance the capacity of law enforcement officers and empower the judicial agencies, starting from reopening cases that have been closed to setting up an ad-hoc and roving court for illegal logging.
  3. Restore tenure rights of local communities over adequate extent of land, through clear policy pronouncements. Provide local communities with controlled access to forest resources. Recognize adat (customary law) territories (including forest) through Regional Regulations and inclusion in the Provincial Spatial Planning. Address and solve the social issues (property rights, employment and income of local communities, participation in production, need for social empowerment) with full stakeholder participation. Restore tenure rights of local communities over adequate extent of land. This can be undertaken as part of a survey and settlement of forest area, to be supervised by a judicial commission or tribunal institution. Involve local community and civic society in fighting illegal logging and corruption in forestry through vigilance and surveillance.
  4. Regulate capacity of wood industries through government policies relating to mill licensing, trade and tariffs, prices and charges, as well as through direct interventions such as imposing restrictions or through creating alternative sources of supply, introduce a system of vigilance and inspections; strictly enforce transparent timber accounting and log audit for all wood-based industrial units. Since forest-based industrial units are linked or associated with logging concessions, it is necessary to control their expansion (in terms of number of units and installed capacity) as a means to maintain the balance of industrial demand for logs with the level of sustainable harvest of forest concession areas and timber plantations. Other policy incentives include making illegal logging unprofitable by heavy penalties, confiscation of property and closure of mills using illegal logs. Also the use of fiscal incentives such as tax remissions for certified wood products and penal taxes for uncertified wood products.
  5. Modify and restructure the HPH concession system in a way that it will be in the interest of concession holders to collaborate and support efforts to counter illegal logging activities. The concession system will need to be adjusted to a new set of indicators and requirements: from working in a smaller size of concession area, implementing transparent bidding process with performance bond, to new approach of setting the Annual Allowable Cut (AAC) which will be set under an area control rather than volume control system. The new HPH system will be within a limit of 150 to 200 thousand ha area and managed under comprehensive and scientifically prepared management plans; highly efficient, less logging damages and wastages; with the concession tenure made of at least equivalent to two cutting cycles, conditional to satisfactory performance with a review at every 5 years. The rates and charges on wood are increased appropriately such that the present level of total charges is linked to the market value, and that they are reviewed and revised periodically for further adjustments. On an urgent nature, the government needs to put an end to the central and district governments policies in issuance of very small concessions and clear cutting licenses, such as the HPHH, Community Co-op logging licenses (Kopermas) and other very small, a few hundreds to one thousand hectares, logging concessions.
  6. Use the leverage of LEI (Lembaga Ekolabel Indonesia), as accreditation institution for timber certification companies, in promoting SFM and to curb illegal activities through timber certification measures. To date, LEI has accredited four certification bodies and has recently developed a log audit system as a means to minimize illegal logging and related irregularities. The Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (IBRA) has been suggested to adopt the log audit system as part of the technical covenant in restructuring the debt of forest industries under their management. Thus, log audit system serves as a tool not only to minimize illegal logging, but also as a technical pre-condition for restructuring the forest industries.
  7. Encourage civil society organizations take part in effort to combat illegal logging activities through a system of rewards. As part of a large scheme to improve local community welfare, competitive advantage in selected forest industries has to be developed through increasing their efficiency and productivity, as well as advancing its product quality.
  8. For international consumers, there is a need to monitor the activities of 'rouge investors' in financing illegal logging activities in Indonesia through bilateral and informal cooperation with agencies or institutions in the country concerned (embassies, forestry offices, NGOs). Wood consumer countries are also expected to adopt social and ecologically friendly procurement policies and to enact legislation that allow the confiscation of illegal timber and legal action against those dealing in it outside the country of origin. Wood based industries in both producer and consumer countries should be required to adopt transparent chain of custody processes for their timber materials, in other words - implementing timber tracking from source to market.